Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Assurance and Motivation…

Approximately six years ago I received a call from Jennifer Anglin, who is the owner of ALFA Insurance in South Canton.  As a member of the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce, Jennifer informed me that she had selected my school to support with her business.  I was “thrilled” with her willingness to jump in and meet my wonderful staff and students.  Since the beginning of this school and community business partnership, I am also happy to be insured by ALFA Insurance and have Jennifer to take care of my home and auto needs.  Yes, Jennifer and I have certainly developed a blended professional and personal friendship! 
One day when we had decided to meet for dinner Jennifer mentioned “The Shack” by William P. Young, and suggested I read it because it had such an impact on her.  Several months later I read it, and was really enthralled by the descriptions of the energetic essence of God, His son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  There have been a few recent times when I have thought about William P. Young  and his ability to connect with a similar level of Divine energy that I have experienced when working on a piece of art!  The energetic essence of his written words was extraordinary to me!  I also know everyone has the ability to connect to the Divine energy, and I hope you have this spiritual pleasure many times in your life!
Today I sent Jennifer  the web address to the Inspirational Artistic Impressions site and this was her email comment back to me.
” Well, I just spent a few minutes looking at your paintings!  AMAZING!!
Over the past several months I have read books, and articles that have
made me think of the presence of God in the form of ENERGY and LIGHT.
It has opened my eyes to see people and activities differently.  
All this to say – I LOVE YOUR PAINTINGS!!  
I can see these having a great market value, and being a ministry.”
I am truly honored and inspired by Jennifer’s recognition of the Divine spiritual energy in my artistic impressions! Could God’s energetic essence be compared to an inspirational insurance policy??? 

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