Monday, August 20, 2012

Celebration of Grace in Canton Made Close to 100 Prayer Shawls

Crafters at Celebration of Grace in Canton have been very busy this year crocheting colorful shawls to give people to remind them that they are being covered in prayer.

The hand-woven garments start out as individual granny squares that are skillfully connected into prayer shawls. Once complete, they are brought into the church and to the altar for a prayer offered up by Pastor Ginny Krekling at the beginning of the regular worship service. The group has made close to 100 since the ministry began.
The prayer shawls are available for anyone who asks, and are often given to infants, the elderly home-bound, homeless persons, or those suffering or recovering from illnesses. To receive a prayer shawl, get one for someone you know, or contribute to this ministry, call 770-503-5050.
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SERV offers affordable, personal mission opportunities
SERV International has launched a new website ( that outlines three personal and affordable ways to help folks in need.
“A lot of excitement is being generated,” said president Joe Garcia. “I attribute it to the personal connection that donors feel when they give to one of our programs. We try to do a good job of sharing the results and invite them to physically see the impact of their gift with their own eyes by traveling with us.”
The SERV1Feed1 program offers a way to provide a meal for five cents to people in need in the Dominican Republic. The program has distributed more than five million meals in Kenya and is currently distributing one million meals in the Dominican Republic. The meal is a protein-rich dehydrated food product, and one 8-ounce serving sustains one person for one day. The website has an interactive module that lets donors immediately see what their dollars can do to help others.
In the Safe2SERV Clean Water program, a $65 one-time donation can supply a family of five with clean water for 10 years.
The third project is the House of Hope orphanage, home to 40 children. Many of the orphans are available for sponsorship, which costs $55 a month. Sponsors have easy access to photos of the children, and can participate in mission trips to the orphanage to meet their child.
Each year, three to four mission teams are dispatched to Kenya (next one leaves Oct. 6) and two have gone this year to the Dominican Republic. Future D.R. trips are Sept. 17 and 24. 

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